
The collecting of links to relevant sites has been around since the internet began (well before www). It still suffers from the same problems; relevance, lack of completeness, and obsolescence. Having said that, link lists are still the best way to corral the information necessary to efficiently navigate the internet, and with a bit of work satisfy this need. When they are started (this is March of 2012), they tend to be either incomplete, tentative or poorly organized. As time passes, if they are well maintained, they become more useful and usable. Let’s hope that happens here.

We’ll start with links to link-lists compiled by others, keeping in mind the above.

Link Lists Complied Elsewhere

(Well, what would you call it?)

Luthier Associations



Wood Conservation


  • The American Musical Instrument Society (AMIS). Promoting the study of all aspects of the history, design, construction, restoration, and usage of musical instruments in all cultures and from all periods. Produces an annual journal.